Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Changing your mood - to caffiene fix or not

Coffee nerves” or “coffee jitters” can occur after 150 mg (1 cup) are ingested, while physiological and psychological dependence can occur at 300 mg/day (just 2 cups of coffee).  Taken from an article hacres.com.     (The other scientific stuff is here if you want to read it.  I wanted to focus on the deeper cause.)

We grab "substances" to change our state... we have had and bad day, stressed out, eaten too much junk, etc.... and our body are crying out for a change.  Do you grab food or stimulants or depressive agents to get thru?  If so, let me challenge you a bit...

We should not be DEPENDENT on anything other than God.  Something to think about... this convicted me to stop caffeinated soda, tea,  and coffee back in the day - because I was dependant on this to function or to feel good in the morning or to get thru something.  Nothing should have a daily hold on my life to make me better, that what God is for.  If I have to have a substance (that can go for alcohol, drugs, stimulants and even sugar and foods) to feel better, then my heart needs a check.  I try now to pray first then deal with it. (For me I would run first, well some would say that was good, and compared to a lot of other behavior that is, but that is my 2nd action. My first should always be prayer.

Did I feel like I was giving up something? No, because I learned it was not good for me.  So how could I feel deprived when it is a toxin?  Would I want to put a poison in my body?

All things are permissible, but NOT all things are beneficial (I Corinthians 10:23).  I know now this is NOT beneficial to my health - spiritually or physically.

Dr Caroline Leaf is a Christian Neuro-scientist and talks about your brain and how your thoughts can create an atmosphere of growth or decay in your body.  So the positiveness  and empowerment of prayer over your thoughts and action, can create the first changes in the chemistry of the body and mind.

For some it is a struggle to give up things that change our brain chemistry. I did it and my husband did it, so I know you can by God's grace. Phil. 4:13 say YOU can do all things thru HIM who gives you strenght. How can you fail with that on your side.

Go forth and conquer!

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