Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just say it and be done

This weekend at the farmers market we heard a girl with wisdom beyond her years (or was it?)  A girl about 10 giving wisdom to her Dad (assumption of father since the interaction was so candid)" Just tell her your sorry and apologize."  It was one of those moments, out of the mouths of babes. 

Negative emotions and feelings we hold on to does not allow good growth in our mind, bodies or spirits.  We can cause a host of physical aliments from cancer and disease, to bad attitudes, to damaged spirits.  There are links to disease and organs in the body.  Even the brain (your CPU) creates good or bad cells based on the input - guess what controls your body?

If you cannot apologize yet or you feel you are right (which we all do at times), start praying about it and for the other person.  Bible says to pray for those that hurt you.  OHHH, it is NOT easy, but you will be given the grace to get thru it. When we are all bent out of shape, that is when we need to get on our knees.  No one said it was easy to do the right thing, like eating healthy when you don't want to.  This dimension of a child to see the simplicity of the situation - this we should do.  Being like a child and wanting me, my way, is where we need to be free.  When you start to get free, you can see both sides of the story without having to defend your own self.  You can never know someone elses heart. Only God knows.  Just turn it over to him.  Even if they never respond, just do your part so you can be free.

We make it too complicated, with pride, fear, selfishness, ego, etc...  so we end up letting someone else control how you are going to be, that is bondage.  Be free, apologize or forgive or both, and move on.  So simple, but we get in our own way. Just keep it simple, like a child and just do it for better spiritual, mental, and bodily health but because it is the right thing to do.

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