Friday, January 14, 2011

Green Smoothies

In light of my Saturday class here are some highlights from my green smoothie detox booklet.

Green smoothies - boost immune system, add more energy, regulate digestion, fewer sugar/salt cravings, fewer mood swings, lose weight, help the skin become radiant, stabilize blood sugars, hair and nails grow faster, balances ph,  adds -- minerals vitamins micronutrients antioxidants chlorophyll amino acids fiber to your diet, and did you know they can double as a meal?  And yes,  they are budget friendly.   Yes they even help to rebuild the body from cigarette damage and alcohol abuse and the help create and alkaline environment for healthy cell to grow (disease loves the acidic environment).

As for sports, green smoothies can increase your sports performance, with quality hydration and electrolyte replacement, balance blood sugar,  long burn energy, and faster recovery.

Smoothie basics
  • Keep it simple, think Fruits and Greens for optimal digestion. 
  • Try to get greens organic, not only for pesticides, but for higher mineral content because the soil is better.  But any greens is better than no greens at all.
  • Add just enough water to make it blend.
  • Chew your smoothie instead of chugging.  Saliva in your mouth with help to start digesting it right away.  And that wonderful green nutrients can start to be absorbed right away even right under your tongue.
  • Any blender will work, just have to cut up pieces smaller and add them in in batches, then just let it run a bit longer.
  • When you first start out, you will tend to a sweeter smoothie.  That’s fine, it is better to have a sweet green smoothie than none at all.  As your taste buds adjust you will naturally cut back on the sweetness.
  • Smoothies are so good you can drink them by themselves – best to do that for assimilation – probably going to be full anyway.
  • Use a different type of greens everyday to balance the minerals and amino acids.
  • Fresh is always best, but they will keep for 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. 
  • General rule of thumb (though they both have both vitamins and minerals). Think fruit for vitamins and greens for minerals and protein.
  • Add a couple dates in the winter time if the fruit isn’t as ripe.
  • Make your own smoothie
  • Beautiful thing about smoothies is it is not an exact science. Have some fun with your own combinations.  (see above for the flavors of greens)
  • You don’t need to add anything else but fruit and greens. You will have plenty of protein. No need to add a bunch of processed pasteurized milks, yogurt, other additives, sugar, salt, etc…
Super-Duper Quick & Easy
Benefits of the baby greens, is you get a lot of variety in one shot.
  • 4 bananas (with beauty spots)  / 3 for women
  • 3 to 4 handfuls of pre-wash baby greens or ½ bag pre-washed spinach
  • water
Estimated cost:
Organic bananas 29 ¢ each (Trader Joes) x 4 = $ 1.16
Organic greens $1.25  (Costco)
Total:  $2.36
• ½ inch piece of ginger

Make your own guidelines:
  • 50 to 60 percent fruit
  • 40 to 50 percent greens
  • 1 cup of water (just to get the blender moving, add more if needed)
  • If you want it creamier, add 1 or 2 bananas or ½ to 1 avocado
 Add to the blender.  Enjoy.

Cost savings (see above)

Everyone says.. OMGosh it is soooooooo expensive?  I would like to challenge that !  How did spending 3 dollars for greens get expensive when you spend that much on fake butter, dressings, and boxed cereal with no nutrition...  how did eating and drinking alcohol out get cheaper... how did fancy coffee and smoking get cheaper.... how did missing tons of work being sick get cheaper... how did spending a ton on money on doctors, medications (prescription and non-prescription), hospitals get cheaper .... how did having a preventable disease get cheaper...

Also, did you know the healthier you eat the less you eat? 

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