Thursday, January 6, 2011

Food and Finances

Our church is hosting Financial Peace University and I started realizing that living responsibly is definitely as much a part of wellness as it is a part of financial peace.  Being a good steward and manager applies to all areas of our lives.  Granted, it may be easier to tackle one area at a time, but they both need to be tackled.  Knowing about your money is a key to wellness and de-stressing your life.  Health and money are the top stressors in most people's life. 

So what in the world do food and finances have in common?  There was a study I read a while ago that showed those who were disciplined in their lifestyle choices were also more likely to be in less debt.  How cool is that?  We can use all the tools we learn in one area of our life to blend over and help other areas of our life.  Being in bondage to someone else with money is similar to being in bondage to unhealthy impulses and food cravings.  Bondage is bondage and education (truth) along with smart choices (obedience) will set us free.

It seems when your body is balanced you make better decisions about money.  When you are eating poorly, you spend more on unhealthy comfort foods, spend more on eating out because you are being a bit lazy to fix anything, spend more on convenience, which in turn leads you to spend more on drugs, prescriptions, Doctor visits, Dentists, etc...  and later on that can turn chronic as in disease and hospital stays.  What if you could stay healthier and save that money?

When you are on a plan for money you probably have a plan for grocery spending, which will help you limit the amount of impulse spending and eating.  Trying to fill the emotional void we feel or the hole in our heart with food or things is not the right answer for our health and well being.  If you think you deserve this treat or thing - think again.  This starts to encourage unhealthy patterns in our life.  Think of all the bribes we give ourselves and our kids.  If you want a reward for reaching a goal, that is something you have purposefully determined is good, not the random - "I have had a bad day (everyday) and need something to cheer me up".  If I remember correctly, that is what prayer is for, to help us in our need and be thankful for what we have.

So, I encourage you to learn about food and finances.  If is seems intimidating, the best way to get over that is learn about what you fear.  Find a program, read a book, talk to someone who has mastered this. 

I am so glad I TOOK the opportunity to take these courses.  They changed my thoughts about what is mine, ahhhh, nothing is!  This really changes your decisions when you begin realizing everything you are given is from God and you are to take good care of it, i.e. money, possessions and your body.  All are gifts from God.

A couple of my favorite financial programs that I have been involved with:
  • Crown Financial Ministries
  • Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University  
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things thru him who strengthens me.

Go forth and conquer, there are no more excuses.

Let me know if I can help you on your health journey!

Here are links for great financial books:


  1. I really appreciated your post today!

  2. Zina, you are so right! Both overeating/impulse eating and overspending/impulse buying come from the same place. We are indulging ourselves and allowing our emotions or circumstances or just bad habits control our lives. I know that I am a prime example because I am both overweight with horrible eating habits and bankrupt with horrible spending habits. As I have been praying about and working on this in my life, God has led me to the same realization. My problem with money comes from the same place as my problem with food and eating, and as I daily try to make better decisions in one area, I find it easier to make better decisions in the other.

    I have noticed that when you stop indulging yourself, you give space for GOD to indulge you instead. Think about the time Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights, and the Bible says that Jesus was hungry. Satan tempted Jesus, but Jesus resisted Satan with the Word of God. After the final temptation, after Satan left Jesus, the Bible tells us that "the angels ministered to him." Wow! Can you imagine what that would be like - to be ministered to by angels?? What a delicious, nourishing feast that must have been!

    In our lives, we can do the same as Jesus did. Resist Satan's temptation to indulge ourselves with what is easy, convenient, or just plain near. Stop deciding that we deserve to reward ourselves with treats or a new item, and let God be our rewarder. He is so much more creative and has much deeper pockets than we could ever hope to have. And his angels are waiting to minister to His children.
