Sunday, June 17, 2012

Men's Health Part 1

Men's Health Part 1
Let’s talk about testosterone and sexual performance for the man. This article will be an overview. I will provide in-depth details in subsequent articles but I know if I include too much in one article, you won’t read it.
Disclaimer: I am NOT a Dr., but a Health and Fitness Coach sharing knowledge and research that has helped others. Always consult your Dr. before making any changes. My approach is to get the basics in order (eat right, exercise, good lifestyle choices). You might find out with some simple changes you are back on track. If not, your Dr. won't have to tell you to do the basics because you are doing them already. He can move on to the problem faster.
Ok, down to business -
Since I am in the health and fitness business, I do get asked about testosterone. Since I am not a man, I will share what has helped others. Here are the common performance issue complaints:
  • loss of feeling
  • loss of circulation
  • loss of desire / libido
  • loss of physical ability / ED (erectile dysfunction)
  • loss of testosterone
Guess what? Barring more serious issues, a lot of these symptoms can be helped with lifestyle changes. But hey, you knew that anyway! SADly , the Standard American Diet does not help and greatly contributes to the problem, despite our over-sexed society. You are supposed to be "supermen", you read how easy it is.... but in reality a lot of men have problems in this area. (Wives you can thank me later, wink.)
Let's set some expectations. I am not talking about a QUICK FIX here. Men can take a pill, (drugs or herbals) Viagra, etc... and get an immediate response. This might help in the mean time for those date nights... but if your body is plugged up with gunk and needs an oil change, it will take a while (maybe a couple months) to start getting lean and clean so you can take advantage of the benefits. This is NOT A QUICK FIX. These are health lifestyle changes that will rebuild and reset your body as God intended it to work. We all know that aging (30 being the peak years), we naturally produce less testosterone as we age, but we can maximize what we have left.
The top 10 places to start (in the following weeks I will add details about why.)
#1 - drugs / disease / medications - that cause it
All of these contribute to “performance issues” in men. For example: blood pressure medication is notorious causing these unwanted side effects. So, let's get off of the medication if at all possible. Let's fix the “preventable” disease. How? **With sensible eating, weight loss and exercise that can lead to improved heart function. You just might be able to get your Dr. to reduce or even take you off of it. Make sure to NEVER stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor.
Other drugs that can hinder a man’s sexual drive and performance: Antidepressants, Chemotherapy, Anti-HIV drugs, Narcotic pain medicines, tranquilizers even some over the counter medications. Sometimes changing to a different medication or different dosage may solve the problem.
Diseases: arteriosclerosis, depression, diabetes, psychological issues, high cholesterol, liver function, obesity. All of these affect it also.
#2 - exercise - that help it
Working compound muscles groups causes your body to create more testosterone and increase GH (growth hormone). Think large muscles and using a couple of them at one time. Examples: power cleans, squats, leg presses, deadlifts, chin-ups, dips, and military presses, lunges. Start slow to prevent injuries but work up to using heavier loads for fewer reps. Consult a trainer for a safe program.
Exercise also enhances your self-esteem, increases your energy, keeps your weight at a healthy range and may also “up” your sex drive. Studies indicate that men who exercise regularly have a lower risk of ED.
** Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for improving blood pressure, heart function, circulation, energy and mood enhancement. Depending on your fitness level, build up to 30 to 60 minutes of walking per day. The greatest minds in history walked about an hour a day - think, Edison, Franklin, Di Vinci, etc... Again if you have questions, check with your Dr.
#3 - dietary add in's - to help
Add foods high in zinc, boron, minerals, and healthy fats. Great foods are: cucumbers and melons, such as watermelon and cantaloupe; avocados, nuts, and seeds. Think vegetables for minerals.
pistachio nuts, sesame seeds; pumpkin, squash, watermelon seeds; beets; garlic; broccoli; cabbage; cauliflower; brussels sprouts, bok choy, radishes, turnips, collard greens, kale; chickpeas; spinach, swiss chard, asparagus
raisins, dates, almonds, apricots, hazelnuts, walnuts, avocados, broccoli, pears, prunes, honey, oranges, onions, chick peas, carrots, beans, bananas, red grapes, red apple, celery, cashews,
REMOVE SOY, for now, NO SOYBEANS or “food stuffs” made from soybeans.  There are other foods that still gives you plenty of antioxidants, without the noted side effects of how it affects the male brain.  (Some non-GMO soy products like natto, tempe, miso  that are fermented over a long period are healthier but this is another article to explain why.)
#4 - optimizing GH - to help
Losing excess body fat, particularly belly fat; avoiding high-glycemic load carbohydrates (processed white flours, white sugars); optimizing sleep habits; and exercising regularly. The biggest burst of GH is released during the early hours of sleep, so eating habits are crucial to maximizing this nighttime secretion. Avoid food during the last four hours before bedtime.
#5 - manage stress - to help
Identify stress, then manage it. How? Another tremendous benefit of exercise is stress reduction, getting rid of the extra stress hormones in your body. Other ways include: deep breathing, prayer, meditation, good nutrients, and proper rest. If it is psychological in nature you might need to see a therapist or trained psychologist.
#6 - Sleep - to help
As we just read, GH is optimized during early hours of sleep, especially if before midnight. Sleep also helps in the production of testosterone. If you are exercising you have to rebuild the body to produce all of the great hormones. The recommended amount of sleep is a minimum 6 hours, but 7 to 8 is BEST. This will also help you deal with stress if you are well rested. Decisions will be easier. Remember sleep creates energy and being in a constant state of fatigue (lack of sleep) saps energy leading to performance issues.
#7 – kegels, are not just for women -
Kegel exercises or pelvic floor exercises can also help men have more intense orgasms, and improve erections. A kegel is done by contracting the muscles that stop the flow of urine. It takes about 5 minutes a day. Do 3 sets of 10 reps of strong contractions. If you don’t notice any improvement in a month, check with your Dr. to make sure you are using the correct muscles.
#8 - Clean out excess estrogen -
Conventionally raised animals (meat and dairy) are fed, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and steroids. These toxins make their way into your system and junk up the plumbing. Change to free range/grass fed meats or wild caught fish. Buy apples, celery, strawberries and greens organic. These are some of the top sprayed pesticide foods.
Also air fresheners, colognes, scents with parabens, and plastic containers (3, 6, 7 are most toxic kind) especially heating food in them.
#9 - hydration is "king" if you know what i mean ...
Being well hydrated is like having an oil change. It boosts blood volume and improves sexual function. How much water should you drink? When you urinate, it should be clear to almost clear (except if you are taking a lot of B vitamins). Drink till you get there. If you eat mostly cooked food you will have to drink more water than those eating mostly fresh food. Try watermelon - it is great for men. Eating watermelon can improve your vascular blood flow and improve your sexual performance.

#10 - robbers of fun -
Addictions to junk food, smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse are serious issues
that rob blood flow, impairs circulation, damages blood vessels, uses vital resources in processing the toxic materials, prevents the break down of estrogen in the liver, and robs your body of vital minerals needed for "down there", especially zinc. Seek professional or medical help if you cannot stop or give up these addictions.
We have come to the end of part 1.
If you are doing a lot of these healthy lifestyle changes listed above and still having symptoms, then there might be a more serious issue. Getting these basics under control will help your Dr. diagnose you faster. Chiropractic care is another way to make sure the nerve endings and pathways are open and flowing the way they should be.
There are a ton of resources out there. These were complied from a holistic point of view.
We will cover supplements in the next issue.

Main References: